Sunday 11 November 2007

Piet Hein Eek - his study floor has become a family hobby and working area

The Dutch designer Piet Hein Eek began making furniture from reclaimed scrap wood in 1990. “It was my reaction to the prevalent craving for perfection,” says Eek. “I wanted to show that products that are not highly polished can still appeal to our sense of beauty and functionality. I wanted to design things that could be made from simple materials, materials readily available. Everyone is trying to make perfect furniture, so I made furniture that is imperfect. I like using materials that are worthless and acting as though they are precious.”

For Piet Hein Eek the only thing thats important is people. He feels a house is well designed if it combines with the owner rather than the decorator. "My own a functional family house. Every corner is well thought out and slowly it's filled up with special things that i've designed. I like the things that have a story; the things we found, the things we bought for very little mone when we were young. I lik it not being perfect and I don't think we'll ever get to the end."

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